Little You

We all still have that little version of ourselves, tucked away inside. Don’t forget to nourish that part of you too.. She needs it. Being an adult comes with a lot of associated “seriousness”. The best part of healing and accepting who we are, is allowing ourselves to BE that little person now and again.

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Mental Health

Mental Health…⁣It means something different to everyone. My own has been a journey in itself. An ongoing one, that still has to be taken care of, and worked through. ⁣⁣It meant really starting to understand myself, and that was scary, noticing the patterns, behaviour, and how they affected every single aspect of my life and

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I have to get this off my chest. Because – all of what’s happening in this world is scary, unknown, uncertain, and if it’s proved one thing, it’s that we just really never know what’s around the corner… ⁣I say this lots, but really, LIVE YOUR LIFE. Take a risk. Take a chance. Be happy,

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Earth Day!

It’s Earth Day!! And inevitably whilst in lockdown, it’s got me reminiscing of nature, all those times Mother Nature has had me in complete awe. ⁣ ⁣All these pictures were taken in Canada, in August last year. Truly one of my favourite, and most beautiful places we have ever visited! ⁣ ⁣Whatever you do to

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Feeling Anxious

During this lockdown period we are experiencing due to Covid19, it can become increasingly an anxious time for so many people. Including me. I have had my fair share of WTF moments since this started. The other day, it was simply hearing an ambulance outside, it set me off into a spiral of anxious feelings,

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