Feeling Anxious

During this lockdown period we are experiencing due to Covid19, it can become increasingly an anxious time for so many people. Including me.

I have had my fair share of WTF moments since this started. The other day, it was simply hearing an ambulance outside, it set me off into a spiral of anxious feelings, wishing I could do something for people, feeling helpless, sorry for the medical staff, thankful they help us. Bamn, a whole morning spent in and out of tears.

Letting it happen. That is my best advice right now. We are going through something so new, so different to normality, and scary. Nobody has ever experienced this before. It is really overwhelming. That is ok. Ride those storms and waves as they come. Accept that you are a human being, and we have all of these emotions, feelings and experiences that ultimately make us wonderful humans. The more you block those sad feelings, the more they will manifest in other ways. At loved ones, in your work, in your day, in your body even.

Things I have been doing when I feel like I am overwhelmed, that also help improve my mood and come past it:

  • Absolutely not watching the news. I know people like to be informed, but we are just bombarded right now, and it’s difficult to handle. Switch off.
  • Sitting with myself, and just taking some deep inhales and exhales. Allowing a few minutes to calm my body.
  • Blasting my favourite songs in my earphones and having a dance around. Not only am I releasing endorphins and good hormones, I am also smiling, and shaking my ass!
  • Talking – to someone on zoom, or my partner, and just sharing how I feel, and what is happening. It helps me rationalise, and bring me down from my adrenaline.
  • Movement. Of course I am going to say this, but having a daily movement for myself, whether it be dance, workout, a jump, a skip, a box – it helps me hugely feeling calmer and more at ease for the rest of the day – and my brain loves it!
  • Routine – some days I am finding an excuse to have a bath and binge watch Netflix at 1pm, and that’s ok, I am not feeling guilty right now – but most days I actually thrive on routine, so I started a new one. I make my overnight oats the night before, and enjoy them with my partner over some coffee and orange juice, with no technology until we are awake and ready to start the day.
  • Cooking – getting in the kitchen and making something delicious – whether it be a chocolate cake or a salad, a burger or a curry – it is always something for me to focus on, and feel proud of, and then devour!
  • Podcasts & audiobooks. Honestly, I haven’t found much patience in reading a book, but something I have been enjoying is podcasts, when I am cleaning the dishes, or pottering around, listening to something completely unrelated to what is happening, helps a lot. Right now I am listening to Dawn O’Porter ‘So Lucky’ on audible (who have some freebies right now), highly recommend! And of course, check out all of my fabulous episodes of Raw You!