Worth it!?

Do you ever find yourself questioning good things when they happen to you? I do. I’ve recently started my 6 minute diary (great by the way – definitely recommend!), and what it has taught me up to now, is to appreciate my own self worth more. I am worth the good things that happen to …

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Hola 2018!

Goals, resolutions, new habits, routine – it can get a little overwhelming at this time of year can’t it?! Breathe. You got this. Instead of making a tonne of new resolutions that lets be honest, you may not stick to, make some realistic expectations of yourself. Appreciate the fact you made it through 2017, you …

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Incoming: Christmas!

Balance. Balance is key to getting through the Christmas holidays, without coming out the other side feeling sluggish, unconfident and guilt riddled. Ain’t nobody got time for those feelings when we are slaying our way into 2018! Yes – we will no doubt over indulge on occasions over the coming weeks. But, it doesn’t all …

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Drop the Fear

5 things to STOP doing: Trying to please everyone Fearing change Living in the past Putting yourself down Overthinking Imagine if we did these things all the time? How much it could/does control our lives. I have been through stages where they have, and it’s crippling. It means you’re never truly happy. It can be …

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With so much work to do on the studio, it has been a slow process. But with some great workers, it is finally starting to look exactly how I want it to! You wouldn’t believe all the fine details that have to be thought about, but it is so exciting seeing my vision and creation …

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I am SO happy, it really is my dream come true! My very OWN FITNESS STUDIO! I’m super excited to share all the progress along the way – making this place exactly how I want it!  Keep your eyes peeled for my grand opening! The next level of Holly Barber Personal Training! Positive meeting with my architect – …