THE trip of a lifetime. I say this after most trips, but WOW, this was something truly special. Every since I was young and lucky enough to spend some time with my family in South Africa, I fell in love with everything safari, animals, nature and African!
Supporting my client and friend Michiel to his journey to Ironman over the past two years has been a crazy adventure, and we made a pact that once he completed it, we would take ourselves on a true HOLIDAY! We decided Botswana would be that place.
Ironman day was such an incredible experience, and seeing Michiel reach those goals was so overwhelming! He did incredible, and I felt so proud of him, and me, for helping him to get to such an epic goal. Read about it here!
We were more than ready for a sigh of relief and a holiday, and set off on our African adventure.
From tree-houses in nature, to spotting lions, and being eyed up by a herd of buffalo – this trip was the most unreal, amazing experience and I just felt so relaxed.
As well as the lack of wifi, we made a decision before we went that we would have minimal online time anyway. It was so nice to disconnect from normal life, stresses and work, and just focus on the beauty around us! Highly recommend doing this, it helps so much when I take a trip, to unplug and enjoy the environment.
Check out the whole adventure & the most amazing pictures here!